Crowned by the majestic Parthenon that bears witness to kingdoms and civilizations, modern Athens is a bustling metropolis that heralds a glorious past while it struggles with a turbulent present. The birthplace of democracy, art and wine, the mere mention of Greece, and in particular Athens, evokes visions of Pericles, Plato and Aristotle. It may be hard to reconcile the grandeur of the classical ages with the economic hardships of today. However, one needs only to stroll around the ruins of the Agora (above) as Socrates once did, and to listen to elders debate football at the Plaka while quaffing delicious ouzo in the shade with soft bouzoki strains in the background, to realize that the vibrant Greek spirit of debate, discourse and dialectic that once shaped the world is very much alive today in every corner.

Our hotel lobby A quick bite at Plaka... .. serenaded by taverna singers

Change of guards at Syntagma Square Like walking around in algebra garden!

Walking around the flea markets of Monastiraki Like father, like son! The ignominy of being swallowed by pigeon poo...

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