The noon-night market at Siem-Reap is a bargain hunter's delight. Hawkers peddle everything from intricate silverware and Khmer art to pure kitsch. Like everywhere else, a great way to sample a country is to savor its bazaars.

The entrance to the market Khmer cuisine -- from the eclectic to the eccentric!

A fish massage! A school of ravenous piranha wannabes engorge on the dead cells at the bottom of your feet, calling for a ticklish, if sometimes painful, sensation Surely wine fermented with cobras and scorpions can only be good for man ... or at least his manhood

During a big famine, the Cambodians developed a quaint taste for arthropods. Here we have a plate of fried beetles. .. and crickets fried in batter Once you get over the rather pungent smell, the crunchy taste isn't bad. I imagine a lot better than a-ping or fried tarantulas, which are reputed to be pretty gross, particularly in their nether areas.

Video: Eating fried bugs in Cambodia - here's one for the road !

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