With a population of 250,000 in the 1st century AD, Ephesus was at one time the second largest city of the world, behind Rome. The centerpiece of Ephesus is the library (above) built to house 12,000 scrolls, named after Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus, who was governor of Asia in 115 AD and is buried within the library.

Pillars at the entrance to the site Us! A Roman theater

The ruins around Ephesus Hadrian's arch

The imposing Celsus library, one of the great libraries
of the early world and a stunning example of Graeco-
Roman architecture

An enactment of a Roman event, ending in a gladiator fight The design for the temple of Artemis, one of the
7 original wonders of the world
Time has been unkind. Only a pillar
(topped by a stork's nest) and a few
scattered stones bear testimony
to those halcyon days.

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