Pamukkale (meaning `cotton castle' in Turkish) in the province of Denizli in south-western Turkey, is characterized by its unique, sparkling white travertine formations. The terraces are created by the hardening of carbonates deposited by the flowing water, as carbon dioxide degasses from it. In mythology, the Titans spread their clothes here to dry, and the scenery is as magical as it sounds.

The travertine steps, frozen in time You can jump from step to step

View from next to a step View from within a pool Water constantly streams down the walls that look
like salt formations..
.. and runs on the floor, creating a constant burbling, sloshing, tinkling murmur

Posing.. Soaking... Happy Abhi! ... stairway to heaven...

Panorama, Pamukkale steps

Video: The tinkling of the unearthly Pamukkale travertine steps.

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