San Jose
Covering 0.04% of the world's landmass but 4% of its biomass, Costa Rica is en route to becoming the first green country on the planet - 80% of its energy comes from water, 10% from wind and almost 10% from geothermal. Its capital, San Jose, is quite modern, easy to navigate, full of culture and history.
Our itinerary - fly to San Jose, then head to La Fortuna to see Arenal, head to Manuel Antonio via Tarcoles to see the crocodiles, back to San Jose. On the last day, we were supposed to see Poas volcano, but Costa Rica's first hurricane came in 2016 and we went instead to San Gerardo de Dota.
Park Morazan - a quiet little spot of greenery popular with jugglers
Colonial buildings and gathering spots
San Jose's famous Teatro Nacionale
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