Belgians are die-hard gourmands, fiercely protective about their food. For a good reason - they are really good at it! If you want food that is French in quality and German in quantity, look no further. One can sense this everywhere, in the aromas and the eager customers wafting around the streets - stopping by the numerous friteries serving deep fried Belgian fries, waffles bathed in sugar, mussels and chips. And divine servings of chocolate, with precisely regulated ingredients - recipes that even the Swiss borrow.

The ubiquitous chocolate shops Icecream in caramel sauce Savoring marvelous food at Brugges

Fancy treats from Flanders - waterzooi of chicken, a stew based on an egg yolk and cream thickened vegetable broth, and pork medallions with apple and truffle sauce Delectable duck pate Rabbit cooked with geuze, a type of Belgian beer

Click to discover the divine pleasures of Belgian beer